So there was such a great response to my last "Super Secret Store Sale" of Fancy Pants, I'm giving you guys first shot at this one too! My new kit is called "Grandma's Lap" (and yes, I'm already working on Grandpa's Lap! LOL) because the gingham and soft patterned papers just gave me that warm cozy feel of grandma's house. My Grandma Blanche and Grandpa Jim are still two of my favorite people in the whole world and this kit is for my Grandma! Love you Grandma!! here's the deal... I've got yet ANOTHER mini kit freebee to go with the kit too! Here it is:So head on over to my Scrap Orchard store and pick it up for free, and while you're there you can pick up the full kit for 20% off the full price for the next two days only!
Remember, neither the kit, nor the free mini kit are available in the store yet, so if you want to access them you need to do so through these links:
Grandma's Lap Kit - On sale for 2 days only for 20% off (no coupon needed, the price IS the sale price for now)
Grandma's Lap - Free Mini Kit (*Sorry! This Link Has Expired!*) also available for free only for the next two days (after the two days, the mini kit will continue to be free, but ONLY with the purchase of the kit! so get it now if you can!)
And here is a quick layout I did of DD sleeping with my Kea using GRANDMA'S LAP! (it's my submission for Bethany's Word Art Challenge! Like the word art? Download it here for free and join in on the fun!
(gosh darn it... still no room for my lizard story.... OR the new story about me sleeping...WITH COCKROACHES! ewwww yuck yuck yuck....) Hmmm... maybe tomorrow! LOLOL!!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Grandma's Lap (and another Blog Secret Store Sale!)
Posted by
Omaha Lacrosse Club
4:29 PM
Monday, April 28, 2008
And the winner is....
I also wanted to spotlight a few of my favorite entries as well! Thanks to all who took the time to post in my gallery... these were FUN layouts!
Posted by
Omaha Lacrosse Club
10:28 PM
Labels: Layouts
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Here it is! (Better late than never right?)
WOW! RL (Real Life for those of you who HAVE lives outside of the internet LOL) has really been taking a toll on my online life!
DH was rushed to the hospital this week with chest pains and was pretty sick for the entire week (but thankfully seems to be fine, and pain free now) but THAT was a scare that I won't soon want to relive!
DS has started flag football, (and we are a HUGE football family) so between practices, games and "at home drills" LOL I've been on the move a bit more there.
Oldest DD is turning 16 in a few days and birthday plans are in high gear.
Youngest DD is heading out for her eighth grade trip to Washington D.C. soon so fundraising and planning have also hit a peak! LOL
Scrap Orchard is doing wonderfully, but with the addition of new designers (Bethany is just the first!) planning our National Scrapbook Day events and our new Surprise "So You Think You Can Design" event coming up, my designing and blogging has, unfortunately, been pushed WAY down on the daily priority list! SIGH... please forgive!
BUT I promised an add-on freebee to one of my most popular kits, and here it is! My Vintage Grunge kit has been one my personal favorites and now I've made a little add on mini kit for you! I'm putting it in my store,
So... here you go! Here is the link to my store "warehouse" (only viewable via this link) and it's free, so no coupon to use! Just check out with it!
The mini kit is still free with the purchase of my Vintage Grunge kit or you can purchase it separately in my store HERE
(just remember you have to be REGISTERED and LOGGED IN to the Scrap Orchard Store to check out with the free mini kit!)
Posted by
Omaha Lacrosse Club
11:40 AM
Labels: freebies
Saturday, April 19, 2008
I showed you mine... now you show me YOURS!
Fancy Pants that is! Megan (Flergs from Scrapbook Graphics) and I were chatting one night and talking about "words" that we like... Fancy came up, and one of us said... ha ha ha "Fancy Pants" "Ohhh" the other said, "what a great name for a kit!" LOL! I began working on it and without even another word between us she did too! Another nightly chat several days later and darn it if she didn't show me her preview... (of her COMPLETED kit - she can knock out a kit in NO time, it's CRAZY!) I was like "noooo way" and sent her a few of the things that I had been working on with a similar pallet! LOL
So... short story long...LOL... we decided to make have a fun little "blog war" and ask our bloggers to answer the question... "Whose pants are fancier?" Oh..not the kits...LOL they're both WAY too fancy to ask such a question... we want to know... literally... who's PANTS are fanciest... YOUR PANTS...LOL! SHOW US YOUR FANCIEST PANTS!! LOL
So here's the challenge... use one or both of our kits to create a fabulous layout showing some FANCY PANTS (yours, your kids', some fancy ones you saw online, maybe some great bell bottoms your mom made you wear back in the 60's...whatever) but do a layout and post it in our galleries and this time next week Megs will pick one random winner from HER GALLERY at Scrapbook Graphics and I will pick one random one from MY GALLERY at Scrap Orchard!
Hmmmm... you might ask yourself... if I post my more than one layout does that increase my chances of winning? IT DOES!
And hey...Shauna... if I post my layouts in BOTH galleries does it increase my chances of winning? IT SURE DOES!!
And hey! Shauna! If I post my layouts in BOTH galleries and DST and tons of other places on the net does that guarantee me winning??? NO, no it does not. (but it might make me happy enough to RAK you my next kit! LOLOL!)
Plus... you have the added bonus of posting your layouts at Scrap Orchard while Tammy, Kami, Kim and I are looking to "hand pick" a few new site CT members.... so keep that in mind!
So here's the breakdown...
- Purchase either my fancy pants by clicking HERE to go to my store or by clicking HERE to purchase Megs' Fancy Pants at her store.
- Create one (or more) fabulous layouts using one of our kits
- Post the completed layouts HERE in my gallery or HERE in Megs' gallery, OR double your chances of winning and post them in both!
- Make sure that your layouts are posted in the galleries this time next week. That gives you 7 whole days and no excuses! LOL
So, dig out those old (or if you're very special... current) fancy pants photos and get scrappin'!
Don't forget! If you purchase either of these kits before 6:00 a.m EST on Monday April 20th you'll get an additional 20% off of each kit! Just go to our stores and use the coupon code PANTSYFANTS before checking out!
Posted by
Omaha Lacrosse Club
10:39 PM
Friday, April 18, 2008
Fancy Pants FreeBee at The Orchard!
There's NO easier Freebie than taking my own layouts and turning them into QP's for you all! LOL (of course it is a little weird to think that "my" scrapbooks will have little Mini Mees out there somewhere! LOL!)
At any rate, so many of you emailed me to ask for my "My Fancy Pants" layout to be made into a QP that I could hardly say no, now could I!? LOL Here it is, now head on over to the Orchard and get it!
Oh... and how would you like all the Orchard designs that you could ever want...FOR FREE!?!?! It's possible! LOL We're looking to "Hand Pick" some great scrapbookers for our site CT! No application, no contest.. just post your favorite layouts in our gallery and the girls and I will be taking the next couple of weeks to look through the gallery and pick a few of our favorites!! What are you waiting for...? GO! Start posting!!! Scrap Orchard Gallery (just remember to register or login before you try to upload your photos!!)
Click HERE to go get my Fancy Pants Quick Page! (The link will take you to the ScrapOrchard Gallery... IF YOU ARE A REGISTERED USER , sign in, and at the bottom of the page you'll see a Gallery called FreeBees... click there and you'll see the quick page. Just click to download!!! IF YOU ARE NOT REGISTERED, OR NOT LOGGED IN YOU WILL NOT SEE THE FREEBEES GALLERY. (sorry, don't mean to shout, but you guys have NO idea how many emails I get in a day! LOL just want to minimize it and make sure you guys get your freebees at the same time! :)
Posted by
Omaha Lacrosse Club
8:51 PM
Labels: freebies, Quick Pages
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Ok, I'm early... but the word is out!
There's a leak! And the leak is me! LOL I posted on DST and Megs put out her newsletter with my surprise and so I better get my butt here and post it right?? LOL
Ok my lovely bloggers... here is my new kit!!! FANCY PANTS!
and even though it's not in my store for EVERYONE... it IS in my "secret" store, or as Megs calls it... her "warehouse" JUST FOR YOU GUYS!! (and for Megs' Newsletter people) AND for 20% OFF only through Sunday night!
Just follow my super secret passageway (ok, not so super secret, it being here on my blog and all, but until I get a newsletter of my own, it will have to do! LOL) and get it if you want it!
Click here for my Super Secret Passageway to my Super Secret Store! and don't forget the coupon PantsyFants!!
HINT HINT... you'll need it for the challenge that Megs and I will be co-hosting on wont want to miss it, it is going to be a HOOT!!
Oh! Did I forget to mention that my dear friend Megs has her very OWN Fancy Pants!!! Check it out! It will be in her STORE at Scrapbook Graphics on Monday! (sorry ladies... you could have gotten hers early and for less too if ONLY you had subscribed to her newsletter! - what? You didn't KNOW she had a newsletter? Well check out her BLOG and sign up!!!)
Posted by
Omaha Lacrosse Club
2:53 PM
Labels: Sneak Peeks
I'll announce my surprise for you as well as my first blog challenge sometime tomorrow, but you'll have to act quickly... it's a limited time only offer!!
What? You want a clue??? OK... but you asked for it!
Hmmm... "What could a picture of cute lil ol' 3 year old Shauna (WOW... how old ARE you anyway Shauna? Nice pants!) have to do with a scrappin' challenge?"
Guess you'll have to come back tomorrow and see!!!
Posted by
Omaha Lacrosse Club
2:11 AM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Yup! I'm cranky!
Posted by
Omaha Lacrosse Club
2:12 AM
Monday, April 14, 2008
Maui Breeze for FREE???
Yup! Cause Kami is on her way to Costa Rica (hellloo? HARDLY fair!) and Tammy and Kim are still sleeping... he he he!
So, check out my post at the Orchard Blog and find out:
*WHEN the store is going to open (hint hint TODAY!!!)
*WHY you guys have to register at the store again (SIGH) and
*HOW you can get Maui Breeze (shown below) for FREE!! Woo Hoo!
Posted by
Omaha Lacrosse Club
2:31 AM
Friday, April 11, 2008
A Template with a quick "Burn & Dodge" Tut!
Oh my dear dear blogging friends, you have been soooo incredibly faithful and patient with me these past weeks, and you SOOOO deserve more attention than I have been able to give you... my apologies!
Quickly, for an update on ScrapOrchard visit the Blog... Kami's post sums it up nicely. When there is more to report, I will do so immediately!!
So! Quite often I'm asked by you guys how to make things look more "real" in Photoshop, and honestly, there's not one simple answer - but I can tell you ONE quick and easy way that I use all the time.
The BURN and DODGE tool! Never heard of them? Well, silly you.. you've been missing out all this time! Just download the freebie template and follow along!
DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATE HERE (password is scraporchard he he he!)
Ok, now use the template as you normally would, and if you need a template "clipping mask" tutorial review CLICK HERE to get you started. Keep in mind that for nice dramatic results for your paper curl you'll want to coordinate three colors or papers. The bottom paper (shown on the template in the darkest grey, (this will be the paper that is "revealed" by the top paper curling back. The top background paper which is the paper that will "curl" and the back of the top background paper, which is what you actually see as the curl itself.
Here is an example of the three papers (from my Butterfly Garden kit)
But do you see how they look "flat" and not actually curled? THIS is how your papers will look if you simply clip the papers to my elements in the template. Want it to look "more real? Then read on!!
Go to your PS/PSE tool bar and look for these tools: can simply press the letter O on your keyboard and it will pull up the last tool that you used from this flyout menu. (did pressing O not give you the tool you wanted? Just click on the little tiny arrow in the bottom right corner this causes the flyout menu to "fly out" LOL! and you can choose the tool you want.
Now select the DODGE TOOL (looks like a tiny push pin to me!) which "lightens" whatever it touches... and then you will choose a "brush" to apply the dodge tool with. Not sure how to do that? Well check this out!First select your brush tool and once your have your brush tool active, you'll need to choose your brush by going to the top of your tool bar and clicking on the flyout menu that says BRUSH. Your brush menu will now appear and you want to choose a large SOFT brush. What is a soft brush you ask? A soft brush will give you a softer, more blended edge and looks that way in your menu (as opposed to the harder darker brushes that give a sharp crisp edge). I chose the 500 brush, you choose the largest, softest brush in your pallet) now bring your cursor over the top of your page and you'll see a large circle that is your brush (don't see it? Make sure that the layer that you want to work on is selected, and your Caps Lock is off!)
Now, make your brush even bigger! (easy way to do this is to simply press your right bracket key -two keys right of the letter P! - make it smaller? That's right, just press the left bracket key) For my paper curl, I used a 700 pixel brush so I pressed the right bracket key twice.
Now, with your Dodge Tool selected and using your large soft brush I want you to make sure that the PAPER CURL layer is active (if it's blue, then it's active... if it's not blue, just click on the layer!) on your layers pallet and click ONE TIME on the top center of your paper curl as shown here
then create a straight line by simply holding down the shift key and clicking where you want your effect to end (I showed the approximate spot in the picture above). You don't have to worry about being "perfect" that's the GREAT thing about photoshop! Any mistake is just a Ctrl+Z for pc's or Command+Z for mac's away! -( pssst...that's a shortcut for UNDO!) So click then shift+click to create your line, or simply click and drag your brush if you'd prefer! If you want your highlight line to be brighter, simply repeat the dodge tooled line!
Please note: Depending on the color of the paper that you're working on, you might need different strengths for your tool, if the white line is too bright, simply undo and change the strength of your tool in the tool bar up top!
Your curl should now look something like this (sorry, LOL I changed papers for the curl, it isn't as cute as the flower paper, but it shows the tutorial better! he he he):
Now, if you want to take it a step further, and if your paper needs it... (mine doesn't so much because it was a darker colored paper, but lighter papers will need this further touch) Go back to your dodge tool and choose the BURN tool. Just the opposite of the dodge tool, the burn tool is going to darken whatever it touches. Using the same brush, you want to add some depth to your curl but brushing a straight line at the very back of the curl (where it meets the paper) and at the very tip of the curl (the corner of the paper) now you'll have something like this:
Now add the final touch of a drop shadow and this is what you'll have!
Looks more "real" right? LOL Enjoy your template and your tut... now back to the grindstone for me... I'm working on a new collab with Kami of Ziggle Designs, (and that Kami is such a slave driver!! he he he!)
By the way... Do you LOVE my Word Art? Yea, well it's NOT MINE... ! All the credit goes to Bethany of Elegant WordArt! A blog reader and new scrapper like many of you, Bethany "RAK'd" me with this GREAT word art and told me to feel free to share with all of you, so head on over to her blog (she has a TON of great FREE WordArt!!) Thanks Bethany!!
Ok... so this little Tut has taken me a bit longer than I's 1:30 a.m. here in Hawaii, so no time to double check for spelling or typos! You'll just have to live with them all!
Hopefully we'll see you all at the Orchard soon...hey... use the template if you want and post your layouts in the GALLERY!! THAT would make my day!
Posted by
Omaha Lacrosse Club
9:40 PM
Labels: freebies, PS/PSE Tips and Tricks, Templates, Tutorials
The Orchard is beginning to blossom!
But we're not blooming completely!
In other words, WE LOOK GOOD! But the fruit's not quite ripe enough to eat! LOL!
Poor Mel is working day and night (literally, so go leave her some love would you??) to get SO back up and fully functioning... and she's doing a BANG up job, but there are a few more bugs (like at the time I post this 1:35 a.m. HST (7:35 a.m. EST) you can't put stuff in your cart to check out YET... yikes! LOL a BIG BUG for us! ha ha ha!)
But it's just a matter of time!!! So keep checking back ok? And BTW... I am going to give you guys a blog freebie later today or tonight if it KILLS ME! So come back later ok???
Night ladies! It's off to my air mattress... (no... no "real" bed yet... Kami doesn't pay me enough to buy one! LOL)
Posted by
Omaha Lacrosse Club
1:29 AM
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Scrap Orchard BLOG IS LIVE... can the store be far behind!?
Just a quick update... we're nearly there (I THINK) our blog is live and I've posted an update there...
Posted by
Omaha Lacrosse Club
4:13 PM
Scrap Orchard Update - "Desperately Seeking Bandwidth" has been a LOOOOOOONNNNGGG day for me ladies! LOL and I am exhausted! But I wanted to take just a second to let you all know that we've paid the big bucks to move our little orchard to a bigger and better "field"! LOL
The new hosts assures us that WE didn't break the site... YOU ALL DID!!! LOL and he is making it his job to make sure that you guys won't be able to do that again!!!
Unfortunately the job of moving to a new server is a big one and our poor Webmistress, Mel as well as Kami, Tammy, Kim and I are working day and night to make sure that the Orchard is back up and running as SOOON as we can possibly get it! ( I hate to set a firm date and time, but we're HOPING that maybe by LATE tonight or Thursday???)
Either option is too long! And you would think that THIS would mean that things could slow down enough for me to make you guys a freebee, but NO...just more work answering emails and stuff! LOL
But I do know that we're working hard on making you all an "I'm so sorry that you came to visit us and we were gone!" gift! LOL
When I know more, I'll post the meantime THANK you guys for the positive comments and smiles you're sending my way!! I pass them on to the other girls and they make us all smile that you're not all mad and cranky! LOL
Aloha my dear blog friends!!
Posted by
Omaha Lacrosse Club
12:15 AM
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Wow! We did it... we broke the site!!! (good news, bad news)
Yup! I knew it! It was only a matter of time before we broke it!
So here it is... the good news is that Scrap Orchard has been successful beyond our wildest expectations!!!!
Bad news is that it has been SO successful that we've ALREADY exceeded our monthly bandwidth allowance!!
So if you've tried to visit the Orchard today you know that we're down because of this. And, I have no idea what the name of our "host server person" (I'm fairly certain that THAT IS his technical name...LOL) is, but let's just say this. I'm not happy with him! So...long story short...
Good news? It's going to be a dedicated server JUST for us...with a HUGE amount of bandwidth so THIS will never happen again.
Bad news? Despite our working over time and having already chosen another hosting "package" (PLEASE do not laugh at me, I have NO idea what the ACTUAL names of these things are! LOL) it might still take a day or two (or three???) before our beloved Orchard is back up and running and viewable by all!
So, THANK YOU, thank you, THANK YOU in advance for all of your patience... and if you REALLY REALLY love me (or even like me a tiny bit, but LOVE Scrap Orchard) you will post at DST or anywhere you can think of that Scrap Orchard has been so wildly successful that it grew MUCH quicker than we anticipated and that we'll be back ASAP!
Thank you ladies for your wonderful support!!!
Posted by
Omaha Lacrosse Club
6:51 AM
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Scrap Orchard Digi Kit for FREE!
Just pretty pretty pretty please sign up for our newsletter! It's easy, it's free and IF YOU DO IT TODAY... you'll get this kit for FREE!!
we also have a new mega kit that I LOOOOOOVE! (for obvious reasons! LOL) called Maui Breeze (my vote was Oahu Breeze, but it didn't have the same ring to it! he he he)
Here is what IT looks like (it's CHEAP for 5.00, but a STEAL when you buy 10.00 worth of stuff from Scrap Orchard and get it for FREE!!!)
Hmmm... I like it SOOOO much that maybe I'll make an add on freebie for you guys back here on "The Plantation!" Because I really need to spend some more time with you all...I've been neglecting you I know! But the good news is that I'm working hard on making my classes a reality AND... despite my air mattress POPPING (yes, you read correctly) POPPING in the middle of the night last night (hmmm... a story you'd like to hear?) I'm finally finding enough time to get a little sleep to do a little designing!!
Come on! Head over to the orchard and sign up for our newsletter ('s going out later today and this will be your only chance to get the scrap orchard kit for free!) and pick up Maui Breeze! Click HERE or on the top image to head on over, register for the newsletter and get your free kit!!!
Aloha ladies!!
Posted by
Omaha Lacrosse Club
11:38 PM
Labels: freebies
Aren't We a Pear?
A quickie here today ladies! So sorry it's late! Click on the image above to head on over to Scrap Orchard and download today's Mini Kit Challenge "Aren't we a Pear!"
See you tomorrow!
Posted by
Omaha Lacrosse Club
11:59 AM
Labels: freebies
Saturday, April 5, 2008
I'm PLUM CRAZY! (But you knew that already didn't you?)
HA HA HA! (why are YOU laughing? he he he)
Again, long blogging day at the SCRAP ORCHARD BLOG (TWO posts today!) So it's a quickie here today! Thanks for stopping by before you head on over to the Orchard though!!
Here is MY portion of the mini kit free'bee' challenge at the Orchard! Enjoy!!
Just click on the image to be linked to our Scrap Orchard Blog, click on THAT image and start your download!!
Posted by
Omaha Lacrosse Club
12:35 AM
Labels: freebies
Friday, April 4, 2008
Apple of My Eye FreeBee - and Ellie Lash Tagged Me!!'s today's freebee from Scrap Orchard! Simply click on the picture and head on over to the Scrap Orchard Blog for my "daily post"! LOL but in the mean time...if you SIMPLY CANNOT get enough of me!? Ellie Lash "tagged" me yesterday and so here it is!! As well as a list of those that I "tagged"! Thanks Ellie!!
1. Four jobs I have held:
- Car Hop at a "Drive In" diner (No, I am NOT that old, it was a retro thing!! LOL)
- Gravedigger (seriously! As part of a summer jobs program for our Department of Public Works!)
- Paralegal
- Nanny (yes...seriously... a Nanny!!)
2. Four movies I could watch over and over:
- Pretty Woman
- Dead Poets Society
- Moulin Rouge
- The Breakfast Club (or any other Brat Pack Movie)
3. Four places I have lived:
- Hawaii
- New York City
- Washington D.C
- Wisconsin
- *bonus answer* (I've also lived in Connecticut, New Jersey, Gerogia (twice), Alamaba, Kansas and Tennessee!)
4. Four TV shows I like: Just 4???
- ANY Reality Based Show (especially Survivor, Big Brother, & Amazing Race)
- Lost
- Grey's Anatomy (love love love it!)
- Dexter
5. Four people who email me regularly:
Currently? LOL!!
- Kami
- My Blog Readers
- Sunshine Girls
- Everyone having problems with Freebies/FreeBees!!
6. Four favorite foods:
- Potatoes (mashed, baked, fried you name it!)
- Pizza
- Baked Potato Soup (from Chilis or O'Charleys - YES, I know it's potatoes, but I LOVE it!)
- Powdered Sugar Donuts (with butter on top - YES butter on top!!)
7. Four places I’d rather be:
- On a cruise with my DH (Seriously... I'm REALLY NOT that old!)
- Anywhere in Europe
- Settled happily (and completely unpacked) in my dream house in New Jersey!
- ANYWHERE with my mom (who passed away in 2001)
8. Four people I’m tagging:
- Kami (Ziggle Designs)
- Megs (Flergalicious)
- Lauren & Amy (Polka Dot Plum)
- Colleen (C'est Moi)
Posted by
Omaha Lacrosse Club
2:15 AM
Labels: Freebees
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Scrap Orchard Day # 3 You're a Peach!
I LOVE Mini Kit Challenges! You get a FreeBee and we get to enjoy looking at what you do with our stuff! We have FOUR days of these coming up ladies and this is our first! Kami created this little mini kit for you all and you can either head on over to our Scrap Orchard Blog for the "full on (quite cheeky, if I do say so myself) blog post for today OR you can simply read the following rules for the challenge (because you ARE all going to COMPLETE the challenge with the FreeBee right??? LOL!) and then follow the link to the store to download the freebie from the link below!
"rules" for the challenge:
Click on link below to go get your freebee, and then use it to scrap a page about someone you respect, admire or love, and who, in your eyes, is a “real peach”! Don’t forget, the only rule of our MINI KIT Challenges is that you MUST use EVERYTHING in the kit in order to be entered into the drawing for the prize! You can use other things too, but you have to use at least a bit of everything in the kit!
Deadline for posting your submissions in the You're a Peach Gallery or for all of the challenges (for the Gift Certificate drawing anyway) is Friday, April 11th at Noon EST we’ll announce all of our winners after that!
Click HERE if you have NO interest in reading my VERY FUNNY blog post (SIGH) on the Scrap Orchard blog and if you ONLY want to head over to Scrap Orchard and to download your FREE Mini Kit!! (insert best guilt inducing "mother" SIGH here) he he he!
Posted by
Omaha Lacrosse Club
12:01 PM
Labels: freebies
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Scrap Ordahrd Day Two! Blue Ribbon Recipe Exchage
Go! What are you waiting for! CLICK ON THE IMAGE OF THE CARDS! LOL! Download these cards to share your favorite recipes with us in the ScrapOrchard Gallery (a special gallery just for the recipes!) and get a chance to win a Gift Certficate to our store!
Why such a short post you ask? Well hello?!? Have you been reading the OTHER two blogs I'm writing on? LOL!
So my post there! :)
Posted by
Omaha Lacrosse Club
11:22 AM
Labels: freebies